
Living to learn

Sweet Innocence and You

When was the last time you allowed yourself the luxury of receiving generous love,simple warm and unadulterated love from a child? When was the last time you were visited by such a bounty of goodness? When have you in your busy life allowed love to seep into every core of your being, love that is innocent, selfless and all-giving?

When you are busy hurrying from one boardroom to another, when you are counting days for the pay check, when you are rushing from 1 EMI to another, one selfie to the next, to just heading nowhere in search of what you don’t know about or are sure of having, when every day is a long complaint and a constant crib then you should know that it is high time you spent some time with  children . That you allowed yourself to bask in the glory of love, a child alone can shower on you. That wisdom from the purity of his/her soul is all that you need to heal yourself.

And when you soak in that delightful sunlight of love that breaks all barriers of pretense and  sophistication, you will for sure, feel recharged, re-born. So fathers, mothers, aunts and uncles who have the blessing of having a child around you, drop everything and rush to his/her holy presence, its your appointment with divinity itself. Allow yourself the chance to be blessed 🙂


2 responses to “Sweet Innocence and You”

  1. Just how i have felt, but too quickly forgot. I’m printing this and keeping it nearby as a reminder.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are a kind soul. Thank you:-)
